Now copy renamed exiftool file into Windows directory -this is the best place- and ExifTool is ready to be used. What you need to do (depending on the case above), is:Ĭase A: rename exiftool(-k) to exiftool (=don't add exe extension!)Ĭase B: rename exiftool(-k).exe to exiftool.exe (=keep exe extension!) How come there can be Case A or B? Because it depends on your Windows settings.
How to do it (all the information below is explained in more detail at the link ):Ĭase A: exiftool(-k) or Case B: exiftool(-k).exe This method refers to the WINDOWS operating system. raf file and make CaptureOne interpret it as a more modern camera, thus releasing the new color pressets. With these applications we can edit the information in the.

To make life easier, there is ExifToolGUI, a graphical interface program that runs on top of ExifTool. The program is entirely via text interface, which can be complicated for most users. =)ĮxifTool by Phil Harvey is a tool for editing Exif information from. I now come to try to pass on to you what I learned. A few days ago I learned, with the help of other users, how to do it. I use an xt-20 and wanted to try the new color presset without having to update my equipment. Classic Negative was launched with x-pro3, color emulation that comes very close to the old (and extremely popular) Superia film. Still, whether out of curiosity or desire, we often want some of the capabilities of new equipment.įuji launches, in every new edition of its cameras, new color simulations as a way to differentiate them from previous models. Not all of us have the conditions, or the interest, to change cameras every year. I discovered, with help from other members of another group, how to have the new color pressts on my old X-T20. I'm gonna copy and paste a tutorial I've written sometime ago on a Facebook group, ok?